Die großen sind BMG .50!
Hier ein paar Hersteller. Die Zahlen links und rechts sind das jeweilige Jahr 4 3 = 1943 usw. Wenn nur eine 4 zu sehen ist heißt das 1944.
DM Des Moines Ordnance Plant, Des Moines IA
FA Frankford Arsenal, Philadelphia PA
KS Kelly Springfield, Allegheny Ordnance Plant, Cumberland MD
LC Lake City Army Ammunition Plant, Independence MO
LM Lowell MA
M Milwaukee Ordnance Plant, Milwaukee WI
RA Remington Arms, Bridgeport CT
REM-UMC Remington-Union Metallic Cartridge, Bridgeport CT
SD Sparklet Devices, Dover OH
SL St. Louis Ordnance Plant, St. Louis MO
SMCO Stant Manufacturing Co., Connersville IN
SB Santa Barbara Ca.
TW Twin Cities Ordnance Plant, Minneapolis MN
U Utah Ordnance Plant, Salt Lake City UT - Late
UT Utah Ordnance Plant, Salt Lake City UT - Early
W Winchester - Prototype and test rounds
WCC Winchester-OLIN, E.Alton IL
WRA Winchester Repeating Arms, New Haven CT
PMC 50 CAL - Bolder City NV
CAL 50 - Winchester. The only non-military manufactured brass
Other Headstamps:
FN & FNB is Fabrique National
K-Brit for Kynoch Arsenal
HXP- Greek
DAG- German
CBC -Brazil
PSD - Poongsan Metal Working, Seoul, South Korea
PMJ - Made by the same makers of PSD
IKI - Yugoslavian
IMI - Israeli Military industries. This is the 'favored' brass right now for competition.
R1M3/A80 - S. African (Berdan Primed)
TE - French. The 'T' indicates Toulouse plant, the E (unknown) indicates where the brass is mUSA
DM Des Moines Ordnance Plant, Des Moines IA
FA Frankford Arsenal, Philadelphia PA
KS Kelly Springfield, Allegheny Ordnance Plant, Cumberland MD
LC Lake City Army Ammunition Plant, Independence MO
LM Lowell MA
M Milwaukee Ordnance Plant, Milwaukee WI
RA Remington Arms, Bridgeport CT
REM-UMC Remington-Union Metallic Cartridge, Bridgeport CT
SD Sparklet Devices, Dover OH
SL St. Louis Ordnance Plant, St. Louis MO
SMCO Stant Manufacturing Co., Connersville IN
SB Santa Barbara Ca.
TW Twin Cities Ordnance Plant, Minneapolis MN
U Utah Ordnance Plant, Salt Lake City UT - Late
UT Utah Ordnance Plant, Salt Lake City UT - Early
W Winchester - Prototype and test rounds
WCC Winchester-OLIN, E.Alton IL
WRA Winchester Repeating Arms, New Haven CT
PMC 50 CAL - Bolder City NV
CAL 50 - Winchester.
Other Headstamps:
FN & FNB is Fabrique National
K-Brit for Kynoch Arsenal
HXP- Greek
DAG- German
CBC -Brazil
PSD - Poongsan Metal Working, Seoul, South Korea
PMJ - Made by the same makers of PSD
IKI - Yugoslavian
IMI - Israeli Military industries.
R1M3/A80 - S. African
TE - French.