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 Heavily damaged silver coin

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(versteckt)Themen Schreiber
28. August 2020, um 14:48:33 Uhr

Hi folks,

Well, first of all, please forgive me for asking my question in English but I'm French and unfortunately I've never had the opportunity to learn German.

I'm currently detecting in the south of Belgium but, few years ago I used to play with my XP Deus in Liège - Lüttich, 20km away from the German border.

I once found found the relic of a silver coin on which I managed to read "fürst" (so I guessed it was German) between to circles of dots. It weighs 0,95g. Unfortunately I wasn't able to gather more informations about this coin.

I recently found it back in my drawer and, even if it's in a really poor state, I guess that maybe you will be able to help me identify it.

Thanks in advance for your help.


Front :
 Heavily damaged silver coin

 Heavily damaged silver coin

 Heavily damaged silver coin

 Heavily damaged silver coin

 Heavily damaged silver coin

Back :
 Heavily damaged silver coin

 Heavily damaged silver coin

28. August 2020, um 16:56:07 Uhr

Hello Jean!

I am not a specialist for old coins but when i saw your posting few minutes ago i had the idea that "Fürst" could be a part of the words "Fürstentum Liechtenstein". So i googled with "antike silbermünze fürstentum liechtenstein". Did not find your coin but may be you could try too and take more time for a search than i did :-)


(versteckt)Themen Schreiber
28. August 2020, um 18:26:25 Uhr

Hi Micha and thanks for your help.
I tried to follow your very good idea but unfortunately I was not able to find a match, none of the silver coin from Liechtenstein I have found have those 2 lines of dots.

Hinzugefügt 28. August 2020, um 18:29:22 Uhr:

Or maybe am I misreading, maybe it is not "fürst" ?

« Letzte Änderung: 28. August 2020, um 18:29:22 Uhr von (versteckt), Grund: Doppel-Beitrag zusammengefasst »

28. August 2020, um 18:36:08 Uhr

Fürst is right. Try another google research with "Silbermünze fürst*". I just did so and found one with 2 lines of dots, here:
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(versteckt)Themen Schreiber
28. August 2020, um 21:16:14 Uhr

Good idea, I may have more luck with the German word Silbermünze (silver coin, if I understand).

So far, nothing interesting on Google Image Search. I have also tried with Austrian Netherlands coins (Belgium for a century or so was Austrian) but nothing here neither...

Hinzugefügt 28. August 2020, um 21:17:47 Uhr:

And could it be 2 separate words, like "...für st..." ?

« Letzte Änderung: 28. August 2020, um 21:17:47 Uhr von (versteckt), Grund: Doppel-Beitrag zusammengefasst »

28. August 2020, um 22:00:21 Uhr

No, i am quite sure that this is only one word. And because Fürst is a german word i think you have better chances to find it when searching for Silbermünze and not silver coin. I also searched a few more minutes for it but with no result. Good luck and may be someone else here has another idea :-)

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