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 More snow detecting and a few finds...

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(versteckt)Themen Schreiber
23. November 2008, um 21:10:27 Uhr

The local ski resort opened today, my wife and daughter had big plans of going skiing and I planned on detecting however, my daughter tried on her old ski boots and they no longer fit her.  No way to get her replacements on a Sunday here in Germany.  I went detecting to the same field as yesterday, just a little higher up the hill, less snow.  Had to drive through a 2’ snow drift to get to the field and the 4X4 had no problem getting through that one, the other entrance to the field had a good 3’ snow drift and I had to back out of it as I knew I would get stuck, LOL.  Did 45 minutes here and did not find much.  The wind was screaming, no flurries but a lot of drifting snow.  Found an ox shoe, spoon, and a few pieces of scrap.  Got cold so I moved on, driving around warming up looking for another site protected from the wind.
 More snow detecting and a few finds...

Went back to a fishing lake, they usually drain this one and it was empty.  Although it is a fishing lake, I have seen several people swimming here so I gave it a try.  Much less wind but my feet got cold again after 30 minutes as I did not get warmed up enough from the last hunt.  I found 11 fishing weights, part of a lure and a 20 Euro cent coin.  Here’s a picture of the dock and club house, the dock is about 7’/230CM tall at the end.
 More snow detecting and a few finds...

Finds of the day, not much but I had a good time!  HH, Mike
 More snow detecting and a few finds...


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