| | Geschrieben von Zitat von Victor73 Probably even the products/ software are very similar... I bet one bottle of French champagne (sic!) that the Depar coils will fit to V4 Deus !
It looks to be a strange marketing decision... to do the same visual shapes' Deus products and sell them at half price... Is it good for a company to 'disrespect' the clients in the richest markets Europe and America? and to launch the new products in Africa and Asia? ... ... ...
They are telling that next year will launch a brand new Depar under the name XP with more functions, Coin& Treasure, bla bla... but at the same African price...
-see below the French dealer conversation with the Alain XP: Sie haben nicht die Berechtigung Links zu sehen. Registrieren oder Einlogenhttp://www.prospectors-shop.com/single-post/2016/11/30/FLASH-INFO-UN-NOUVEAU-DETECTEUR-XP-POUR-2017
Do you know when they will launch V4 and white coils?
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If my rusty French is right, as I understand it, they will launch a Depar with coin and treasure modes in Europe and the US. With prices similar to the African price. So basically a cheaper deus light-light.
Wenn mein rostiges Französisch mich nicht im Stich lässt, wollen sie 2017 einen depar mit Münz und schatzfunktion in Europa und den USA rausbringen, zu einem dem afrikanischen vergleichbaren Preis. Das wäre dann eine Art deus light-light.
Klingt eigentlich interessant. Abgespeckter deus für um die 500-600 wäre n gutes Mittelklasse Teil denk ich.